Month: April 2024

Autmn Learning Journey

My first reaction to this photo is that it is very simple and basic which i like because its nothing to overboard like to abstract. If i was able to tell the artist a question it would be what inspired him to paint the photo. I think the artist created this work because he wanted to show the world that he was able to paint and i think he wanted to show off his impressive art work to everyone around the world

Autumn learning journey

This photo was taken in Hawaii and we can see that there is a very long bridge towering over the calm dark blue sea. We can also see in the background that there are lots of tall buildings which might mean there is a town located where all of the buildings are. it is also looking like a hot day because there are barely any clouds in the sky and because it is a bright day. there are also little rocks right next to where the photo has been taken and the little bushes.