Tag: 2022 writeing year 4

Queens birthday

Task Description: the queens birthday is almost here so we did a dictaion about the queen of England







in the second week of June we all have a special holiday this holiday is called queen birthday as it is not the real birthday of queen Elizabeth the second she was in fact born on the 21st of Aprill 1926 making her ninety six years old this year. so why do we have a holiday for queens birthday. a long time ago in 1901 all there about the queens grandfather decided the weather in November the time of his real birthday was to wet to hold a proper celebration. so he decied to combined his birthday with the trooping the pales. the trooping the pales has been used to mark the birthdays of British monarch for over 260 years. each year thousands of soilders and hundrends of hourses march huge parades this years queens birthday is very special this year we celebrate her majesty queen Elizabeth the second becoming the 1st british mona to celebrate a platinum jubilee after 70 years on the throne