Tag: 2022 writing year 4

paper man

                                                                                                      Paper Man

Credit: Marie Cardouat

Once upon a time there was a scientist that had crated a person on askiddent the persons name was paper man. They called him paper man because he was made out of paper. Paper man was really strong because he could walk in a storm in wind even if its cold he can still go for walks outside. How the scientist crated paper man is he was in a rush to get somewhere and he put his hand on a control button on accident. And when he got home and went to his lab he saw paper man standing there waiting for him. Paper man was standing there waiting for the scientist to give him a code to walk talk run or eat somewhere. Finally when the scientist got the bravery to give the paper man a code the paper man walked right past him and went out his lab. The paper man went for a walk in the rain and he went down a lot of neighbourhoods and so many people saw him. The people where looking outside there windows looking at paper man and some even called the police on him but paper man did not care. Paper man cloud not talk could not react and cloud not die so paper man just kept on walking till he got tired and then he decided to walk back and go to the place he was created at. He saw the scientist and went to sleep right in front of him so the scientist put paper man in a safe place so nobody could find him again. The scientist took paper man to a secret hidden bunker that was 60 feet under ground and stored him where all the guns went and he put him in a little glass room an locked the glass room and when paper man woke up the scientist could unlock the door and let him walk around the bunker. Here are some facts about paper man he can not swim he can not talk he can not react. The end.