Tag: 2022

Blue whale

Blue whales are the largest whale to ever existed. Its as long as about three school busses and as heavy as 15 school  busses. Blue whales even out size the dinosaurs . the whales marine habitat contributes to their exceptional size. The ocean provides more room to grow and eliminates one of the factors that usually hinder animal size. Whales from new zealand are usually found next to auckland,wellington and christchurch. The oldest whale to ever live was 110 years old. A blue whales age can be determined by its earwax. About every six month a new layer of earwax forms inside a whale’s ear canal  the wax primarily serves to

Spy mouse

Once upon a time there was a little mouse. He was very hungry and wanted some cheese. The problem was the cheese he wanted was on a mouse trap. He was very disappointed because he was looking forward to eating the cheese. The mouse tried to grab it off the mouse trap but he was worried if the mouse trap would activate. The mouse tried all sorts of different moves to get the cheese off the mouse trap but he was nervous the mouse trap would activate. There was one last move the mouse did not try and that was deploying from the sky. He grabbed all his mouse buddies and he got them to go on to the roof and deploy him from the ceiling off the house. His buddies wrapped some pieces of rope around his arms and his legs and then the mouse jumped off the ceiling and he landed perfectly next to the mouse trap. Mouse wanted them to lower him down a bit more but his friends did not hear him. Mouse reached down and picked up the cheese and his buddies saw he picked it up so they raised him back up but there was one problem. The rope was ripping off. Mouse was so scared he was going to fall and his friends did not even realise. Finally he made it back to the top with the cheese in his hands but moused realised that the mousetrap wasn’t even activated. Mouse was embarrassed and his friends laughed at him and they all shared the cheese together. The End.